Montag, 21. Mai 2018

Flight 3

About 1630 o Clock
ca. 19°C
Wind:  6km/h
Partly Clouded

One can say my repairings are not very efficient. The more I repair, the shorter the flight periods. My main problem is to keep the engine with the propeller in a stable postition.
If you look at the plane from the nose, the first thing you see is the propeller. Behind it there’s the engine surronded by this white plastic calles Elapor. The engine was fixed with some screws and a drop of glue. Now because I usually crash nose first into the ground, The propeller gets all the force of the crash and transmits it to the engine and then to the plastic. This elapor is some sort of compressed Styrofoam. It’s very light but more stable. Still its just some kind of foam and after some crashes it gets loose.
By now the engine can move freely back and forth for about two centimeters. This is the reason why it wobbles when running and when it wobbles, the propeller is not functioning anymore.
On the other hand I can not put screws in the foam because they’ll not be stable enough and I can barely put glue because I can’t reach it properly.
Also the elapor above the engine is broken and only kept together by duct tape.
I’ll have to see, if I find something at the craft store to fix this.

The flight itself was ok. I managed to start from a street but i’m scared because of the hedge right aside of it. A little wind and the plane is stuck four meters above ground in a bush. Preferably with thorns.
It was also possible to fly a looping, this time a controlled one, and keep the plane flying straight for some time.

Things to remember
- If you press the right stick on the remote, the steering is reduced. This is good for high speed but terrible for starting.
- The engine has to be built into the plane in a stable way.
- Parts that take a lot of hits should be exchangeable. In this case the nose and the wings of the plane.
- Using the tail rudder to move left or right will cause the plane to tilt. To correct that, you need to use the elevator.

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