As I had no knowledge of building any remote controlled devices, I bought a book about a remote controlled plane. By reading this I learned about engines, sender and reciever, steering servos and so far. I will elaborate more about the specific parts by the time they cause me trouble.
For further training purpose I bought a remote controlled car. It’s brand is Tamiya. The base is a chassis called “TT-02” It’s a hard plastic shell where you put the engine in and then build the power transmission from the battery pack to the engine to the wheels. On top of the chassis there is a cover in the shape of almost any car you wish made of see trough plastic which you can colour yourself. I painted mine in black and red, leaving the windows free in case I want to install a camera inside once.
Building this car was simple and nice. It took me about six hours and then worked without causing any trouble.
One bad point about this system is that as soon as you drive it outdoors all the durs and little rocks are thrown inside the car and will stay there. You’ll need to clean it properly after using it.
Another point is that you need a wide street or area to drive on where you can not break anythin nor get hit by other cars and stuff. The Tamyia TT-02 is quite fast in acceleration and top speed - for me as a beginner.

There’s an installment for a go pro camera above the engine but I lost the camera before I even tried running it...
To advance in my studies for Project Kingfisher I bought a plane on the 11.05.2018. It’s a RTF (Ready to fly) model of the Multiplex “Funman”. As it is “Ready to fly” I did not need to install much. The engine, the steering servos and the reciever where already built in so I just needed to put the wings and the propeller.
A remote including batteries, a battery pack for the plane and a charger are included in the set. I used some white glue as we used for everything when we were children and went for my first flight.
Picture by Multiplex
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