Sonntag, 20. Mai 2018

Flight 2

About 1000 o Clock
ca 12°C
Light Wind

The weather conditions were better this time. It was sunny and nice. As I’ve already repaired the plane and charged the battery packs I went to the same spot as the last time. I also started the plane the same way and finally I was able to fly for some minutes.
The secret lies in the throttle. If there’s too little speed while starting, the plane crashes immediately. If there’s too much, there’s not much time to correct before it starts going crazy.
For me it was also important to see that I continuously have to play with both the livers on the remote. For now there are only two but later on there will be more…
Picture by Multiplex

My remote was included in the “Funman” Set. It has the throttle and the rudders for going left and right on the left stick. The rudders bringing the plane up or down are on the right one.
So if you push the left one forward, the plane accelerates and therefor rises. if you push the right stick forwar the plane descends. It is not always easy to know which liver to pull or push as the plane moves freely in every direction in a very dynamic way. There’s also no way to stop and take a second. Every action you take is immediately followed by a reaction of the plane.

I started the plane some four times. I landed it once. You can imagine the other three times it came down. It was usually after some two, three minutes that I got distracted, made a mistake or looked at something else than the plane for just a second and it hit the ground.
The problem is now, that because of all these crashes the engine with the propeller on it moves inside the plane. Also the rear wings which are glued to the plane did not stay in place. They propably took one too many hits. Therefor I went to a craft store and bought some instant glue and some better duct tape. Right now everything is drying off and getting ready for another flight. I do not yet know what to do if there are better repairs required.

Things to remember:
- White glue doesn’t do the job
- Paper tape or normal duct tape doesn’t do the job either
- Throttle is key - less is more
- The commands have to be as dynamic as the plane

Overwiew over the repaired plane
The front is the most exposed and therefor most repaired part. Now I use stronger duct tape.

The horizontal rear wings are glued to the body of the plane. I now use instand glue hoping to keep the wings attached to the body for longer.

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