Montag, 9. März 2020

Project Birs

After a long abstinence from this project, I revived it rather unconsciously by buying a boat.
Understanding how a boat works and what it is depending on should help me understand what is important to build the fuselage of the kingfisher. Also, RC-Boats are made from different materials than RC-Planes so I see some new things there as well.

The boat that I bought was the Riverine Patrol Boat made by Pro Boat. I was insecure wether to buy this one or the Alpha Patrol Boat but the Riverine seemed to be less difficult to modify and did not have spaces where water would collect and stay. Instead it has a little ramp for vehicles to come on board. I might use that in the future.

For now I did some minor modifications mostly in design and then painted it red. The name was given by my girlfriend and it's "Eurydice", coming from greek mythology.

The project followed soon after. I had one week of holidays planned and in this time I then planned to follow a river from its source to it's end. Therefore I chose a river that was not too long and maybe a bit adventurous.
The river is called Birs. Its source is in Tavannes in the bernes part of Jura from where it passes as a mere brook through the valleys.

The Birs is 75km long so my idea was to do 15km a day. This way I have it done in five days and I have enough time to handle the boat.

To record my journey I thought of my Runcam 2 That I put in a transparent Tupperware. This way it's protected from water while still filming. As I received the Tupperware that I had to order online - no store around sold see trough Tupperware - I realized that I could easily fit tow runcams on top of each other. How glorious, this way I had could film with one to the front and one to the back.

Inspired by this Idea I ordered a second Runcam 2 and more battery packs. Then I went to the test drive with the boat. It did not take on too much water and handled waves and turbulent water quite well. Unfortunately my old Runcam got wet and broke beyond repair while the new one was not yet delivered. It was one day before the project was supposed to start.

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