Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2018


Before yesterday I had three RC-Vehicles and non of them was able to run.

The car has a part missing. It must have fallen off while I tested the camera. It’s the powertransmission to one of the frontwheels. Also the engine is dirty. There’s dust on all of the pieces and some overflowing fat that glues the dirt to some parts. I will have to dismantle, clean and rebuild the whole thing and order the missing piece.

New look of the Shark
The Shark, the plane with the propeller on its back, had some hard landings and therefor has some cuts. I bought some glue specifically for Styropor because I learned that I’ll need to glue these planes a lot. Also I removed some plastic cover and half of the pilots head to put a stripe of velcro. On this I want to put the camera.
Because of the change in aerodynamics I don’t know if the plane will still fly. If not, I have to put the plastic cover again and find another place where to put the camera.

To apply the wood I needed straight surfaces 
The Funman… It was really time i made some serious repairings on this plane. The engine with the propeller on it were moving almost freely back and forth. There was nothing left where I could have attached it. Therefor I went to the craftstore to look for some small, light plate of iron with some holes in it. Unfortuately there were none so bought wood instead which I cut in fitting pieces. Please note that my craft corner is my kitchentable which is unfit for any woodwork at all. Therefor the results are not very impressive but I hope they’ll do.

On the newly created woodman I’ve put two lines of velcro aswell. One directly on the snout behind the propeller and one on top of the wings in the center.
Because of the wooden snout I’m not sure if I can add even more weight to the front or if I have to put the camera further back. Also I have no Idea what pictures the camera will take if the propeller is spinning infront of the lens. All of this and a lot more are subject to further experiments.
Applied wood
Velcro for the camera

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